We have provided links to some of the more commonly asked questions below, but if General Questions and Information:
Registration Questions:
Questions for Businesses:
If you have a question that you think should be added to this list please send us Answers for General Questions and Information: 1. What is SeniorDiscounts.com? SeniorDiscounts.com is the best place to find information about senior discounts on the internet. Founded in 2000, when founder Doug Brown began to wonder where (besides the movies) he could put his age to work for him, the site has grown to include more than 135,000 discounts across the country. We’ve found a lot of the discounts ourselves, but we also rely on our membership to point out new discounts as they discover them around their communities. Our services have come to include articles and weekly newsletters about how to find discounts, and we have recently added a printed SeniorDiscounts Guide Book and a Senior Discounts Card to give our members more ways to save. The Guide is a portable version of our database, which allows its owners to find discounts wherever they happen to be. As we’ve developed strong relationships with businesses that want to attract the senior market, we were able to work with them to create the SeniorDiscounts Card to offer large, members-only discounts to our members. Though the look of our site and some of the things we offer have changed, our goal will always be the same: to help the mature community save money by finding and publicizing age-related discounts. 2. What do I do if I have problems with your web site? If you are experiencing problems with our web site, please e-mail us at [email protected]. 3. Will you share my information with anyone else? SeniorDiscounts takes privacy very seriously, and it is our policy not to sell or share your contact information to anyone. For our complete Privacy Policy, click here. 4. What are the terms and conditions of membership? SeniorDiscounts Member Terms and Conditions
Answers for Registration Questions: Many of the discounts and tips available on SeniorDiscounts are free with Basic Registration, but to receive the full benefits of our six years of knowledge, you will have to pay a small fee. These are the three types of membership: Basic Registration Premium Registration There are literally hundreds of thousands of discounts available exclusively to the older market in the US. Unfortunately, most businesses do not advertise or post discounts, so it can be hard to track them down. SeniorDiscounts has made it our business to do make discounts easy to find. Since July of 2000, we have been searching high and low to compile a list of discounts to help seniors save money, and we continue to add hundreds of news discounts every month. We’ve also learned a lot about how to find discounts, and we share our knowledge in weekly newsletters and articles. There is no one else who knows how to find discounts as well as we do. We have found discounts at many business you would expect to have them (restaurants, hotels and travel agencies, movie theaters), but we have also found discounts at retail chains, auto shops, pet stores, and an array of local businesses. Registering with SeniorDiscounts allows access to our discount database and, depending on the membership level, also entitles our members to specially-negotiated discounts. We have also expanded our service by publishing the SeniorDiscounts Guide Book, which includes all the information in our database and allows Members to take our expertise with them wherever they go. To become a member of SeniorDiscounts, either:
4. What types of discounts can I find at SeniorDiscounts? Discounts can take many forms. Most discounts are a percentage off of normal purchase prices. However, there may be two-for-one specials, coupons, or free items provided with a purchase. We have found discounts at many different types of businesses located all over the country, including (take a deep breath):
We’re always looking for more ways to save you money, so check back with us often to see what else we have found! 5. How do I search for discounts? Anyone can search for discounts on the SeniorDiscounts web site. Just click “Discount Search” on the toolbar at the top of this page. However, non-members and Basic Members can only retrieve the number and types of businesses that offer discounts within their area. Gold and Premium members can search by category and will be able to access all relevant discount information, as well as contact information, maps, and any specials discounts. The search results will list member-only discounts as well as thousands of other senior discounts that are available to the general senior public in different age categories. Discounts available only to members will display the SeniorDiscounts logo next to the name of the business. To receive members-only discounts, a SeniorDiscounts Card must be presented at the time of purchase. 6. What is the SeniorDiscounts Card? The SeniorDiscounts Card is a special discount program for our Premium Members. As part of a program owned and operated by SeniorDiscounts, the Card provides specially negotiated discounts on thousands of products and services available. These discounts are available only to Cardholders. Unlike similar existing programs, we have no political agenda and are focused only on creating and finding the best discount opportunities for seniors. 7. How do I qualify for a card? While anyone can register for Basic Membership to find discounts for family and loved ones, Premium Membership is currently for people 50 years of age or older. International visitors are welcome to join as well. The card can be used at any business that is listed as a member in the search engine on our web site or displays our logo at its place of business. Participating businesses will also be listed in the SeniorDiscounts Guide Book. Any new discounts will be announced in our newsletters so you will always know what discounts are available to you. Pursuant to our dedicated effort to find the best discounts available, we are constantly adding information about generally available discounts while creating exclusive new discounts for Premium Members. 9. Do couples need separate cards? While some discounts associated with the Premium membership and available with the SeniorDiscounts Card may benefit a couple (for example, hotel rooms or car rentals), the SeniorDiscounts Card is not transferable and may only be used by the cardholder. 10. What does the card look like? 11. How long will it take to receive the card? Once the application form and payment are received, it should take approximately three weeks to receive your card. Answers for Business Questions: SeniorDiscounts is the largest directory of discounts for people over 50 years of age. SeniorDiscounts currently has over 50,000 members and receives over 60,000 unique visitors We attract members by providing them access to our database of over 250,000 discounts, For our unparalleled efforts to serve the senior community, we were awarded the 2005 Almost any business can provide a senior discount and list it with us. Discounts can come in the form of a percentage off your service or product — 10% off, Businesses that list their discounts with SeniorDiscounts will be listed on our web site We would be happy to answer any questions for you or help you come up with some discount Business registration with the SeniorDiscounts is free. To list your business, all you Whether or not you choose to list your business with us, offering a senior discount Premium Listings – SeniorDiscounts also provides the ability for your business to Most businesses can recover the price of an enhanced membership with just one or two Businesses can opt for premium status when registering on our web site. Click here to register. 4. What are the benefits for registering as an enhaced business? SeniorDiscounts provides a proven method for reaching the rapidly-growing senior population. Seniors are the fastest growing age group in the nation. There are currently over 76 Businesses who register with a Premium listing will receive a priority placement in our search 5. How do I register my business?
(You will need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to view and print the application file. You can obtain Acrobat by clicking on the image below.) 6. What happens after I register? SeniorDiscounts will contact you to verify your discount and business information. After verification, SeniorDiscounts will make your information available to our users. We will also mail you our New Business information pack, which contains information on how to use senior discounts for the maximum benefit of your business, our members, and the senior community at large. (Is this something that’s available only to enhanced members? Should it be included as a perk on the Business Solutions page?) 7. How do I change my business information? Current business members can update their contact information and other discount details by logging Businesses may also update their information by emailing 8. Will you sell or use my business’ information in any other ways? We respect the privacy of our members – both the businesses and the senior users – and our general 9. Are there any other ways I can reach out to the senior market? In addition to our business listings, we also offer advertising opportunities and private-labeled 10. Business Terms and Conditions SeniorDiscounts Business Terms and Conditions